Field to Door! It has never been easier to get fresh flowers to your door
4 Curated bouquets delivered to your door.
Delivery starts-Early May- Mother Nature willing!
*****NEW PICK UP OPTION****** Lee Street Boutique in Zachary
4 bouquets delivered every 2 weeks-
Free delivery within 25 miles of farm
26-40 miles $25 additional charge Please add at check out.
****Maximum delivery distance of 40 miles
Map from Lower Zachary rd, Zachary LA
After checking out you will receive an email asking where you would like the bouquet(s) placed (preferably a shady spot) and we will do our best to accomodate-delivery days are on Sundays.
***Bouquets are growers pick based on what is in bloom!
Email will be sent prior to first delivery.
Participate in our recycle-reuse vase program. Simply leave your vase outside the night before delivery and we pick it up and reuse it later.
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